Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Tao of Mistaken Divinity

Today was an eventful day, I was at the hospital for one reason or another and decided to stop inside the tiny chapel they have in the hospital for a look. I was barely there for a few minutes when this child walked up to me...the following conversation has not been altered (I kid you not this actually happened)....

Little Kid: Are you Jesus?

Me: No I'm not Jesus

Little Kid: Then who are you?

Me: I'm a volunteer here at the hospital?

Little Kid: Do you know when my daddy is coming back?

Me: Sorry I wouln'y know about

Little kid: (points to a picture of an angel on the wall) Is that Jesus?

Me: No thats not Jesus either

Little Kid: (Points to a stick figure drawing on the wall) Is that Jesus?

Me: No thats not jesus

Little Kid: (points to a plaque with the picture of a woman on it with the inscription--In Loving Memory of Janice Goldstien) Is that Jesus?

Me: No, you see Jesus isnt actually in this room. HE actually lived a looong time ago. Do you get what im saying? A looong time ago.

Little Kid: Yeah, you know...a looong time ago i played basketball with my friend joshua

See Abbot and Costello ain't got shit on me and this kid, comedy gold i tell you. Anyways the kid was really cool, i discussed what is one of the most awesome shows on television right now "lazy town" with him. You know how they used to say that all the cool grown-ups smokoe or ride motorcycles, well ALL of the cool kids watch "lazy town". That Includes me. Thats right I'm a cool kid, got a problem with that?